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Rhinoplasty - Rene Clinic


Nose is not only our most important breathing organ, but also we see it every day as it is exactly in the middle of our face. Rhinoplasty is the most commonly performed plastic surgery. It consists of reshaping or reduction of the nose or augmentation of certain areas. Reconstruction operations are also performed in case of congenital anomalies or the nose injuries resulted from traumas.

The purpose of rhinoplasty is to obtain a nose that is proportional to the face, natural and well-functioning, and satisfies the patient’s expectations. Surgical or non-surgical interventions to other areas of the face (chin, cheekbones) may also be included to obtain a proportionate face.

What kind of changes are often made in the nose?

  •  Changes in nose size
  •  Reducing the nose width
  •  Removing the nose hump
  •  Lifting the nose tip
  •  Reducing the nose tip to make beautiful
  •  Reshaping the nostrils
  •  Straightening the deviated septum
  •  Eliminating nasal breathing problems

Before the Surgery
Detailed medical information about the patient is obtained.  What they think about their nose and their expectations from the operation are learned. What can be done on the patient's nose and what kind of an appearance to be obtained are discussed together with patient. Outer and inner areas of the nose are examined. When required, the internal structure of nose of the patients is examined by computed tomography. The required photos are taken.

Surgical Methods
There are two types of methods: Open Rhinoplasty or Closed Rhinoplasty. Open rhinoplasty involves an incision from the midline structure (columella) extending from the nose tip between both nostrils to the upper lip as well as intranasal incisions. Closed surgeries are performed only with incisions in the nostrils. Either method can be chosen according to the patient's nose structure and the doctor's knowledge and experience.

It is performed under general anesthesia. The operation takes approximately 1-2 hours. Septoplasty is performed for breathing problems, and rhinoplasty is performed for reshaping the nose. Intra-nasal cartilage and bone structure are reshaped. If cartilage is needed, the midline cartilage called septum is often used. If there is not enough cartilage source, the patient's own ear or rib cartilage can be used. Special splint is applied on the nose. Pads are not placed in the nose often. At the end of the surgery, small non-stick silicone pads may be placed rarely.

After the Surgery
Feeding begins in a short time. Cold should be applied on the nose and face. This application is recommended in the first 24 hours. The patient should walk after the feeding. S/he is discharged on the same day or the next day. If pad was applied, it is removed after 2-3 days. The splint on the nose and the sutures on the nose tip are removed 7 days later. After removing the splint, the patient can take bath and return to work. There may be breathing difficulty in the first days. Swelling and bruises may occur on the face and nose. Light activities can be started after 3 weeks, and heavy activities can be started after 4-6 weeks. Glasses are allowed.

Nose Care After the Operation
You should regularly use the medicines your doctor prescribe. Ocean water is recommended for cleaning inside the nose. The accumulated blood clots in the nose should be cleaned with cream using cotton buds.

Moderate swellings continue for about 2-3 weeks. The shape of the nose starts to become apparent after about 1 month. At the end of this period, 70-80% of the swellings disappears. Remaining swellings disappear within few months. Complete disappearance of swellings and recovery take about 1 year.