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Vaser Liposuction - Rene Clinic

Vaser Liposuction

Apart from the traditional liposuction method, there are also state-of-the-art technology methods, such as ultrasonic sound waves or laser assisted liposuction methods. The main principle is to ensure that the fats are broken with the help of energy wave before the liposuction process. Ultrasound (Vaser) or laser may be used as energy. These methods are unlikely to result in roughness on the skin. The damage created by energy may provide tightening in the skin as well as the sublayers.  Skin tightening is even more with laser assisted liposuction, but extended edemas are more common. Those energies are specific to the fatty tissue; they do not harm the vessels or nerves, thus ensure faster recovery.

Liposuction surgeries are not intended for weight loss. They are used for areas with excess fatty tissue and contouring problems.

Before Surgery 

Collection of detailed patient anamnesis, patient examination, collection of the individual’s expectations, information about the surgery, preoperative photographing, postoperative evaluation of the results, and the necessary analyses and tests are performed.


The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and the procedures required to obtain a natural appearance are performed within approximately 1-2 hours. The incisions of 0.5cm are made on the sites corresponding to the curves close to the areas of liposuction. Fluid is infiltrated through these holes for pain control. After a certain period of time, the fats are broken using energy-based devices, and the broken fats are removed. No drain is inserted. The surgery may be performed in more than one body area. A special corset is used.

After Surgery 

Feeding starts in a short time. One may be discharged a few hours after the surgery. A special corset is used for approximately 3-4 weeks. Leakage from the sutures may occur on the first day. One may take a bath 2 days after the operation. Going back to work may occur after 1 week; light exercise may take place after 3 weeks, whereas heavy exercise after 6 weeks. Bruises and swelling may occur in the surgery sites and last for approximately 2-3 weeks. Complete recovery is observed at the end of a period of 6 months to 1 year (The period of time may vary as per the procedures involved in the liposuction procedures).