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Hair - Rene Clinic


The hair consists of hair follicles and hair shaft. The main live part which makes the hair grove is the hair follicles. The live cells are located in this follicle area and the sublayers within the skin.

There may be many reasons for hair loss. The most common reasons are testosterone, hormonal disorders, genetic predisposition, stress, hair dyes, chemical agents used, nutrition disorders and vitamin deficiencies. If you have hair loss or thinning hair, you must consult a doctor to examine the reason of hair loss. Your hair will be strengthened and your hair loss will be reduced after the specific treatment performed based on the result of the examination and blood tests.

In addition, it is also possible to strengthen hair and make it ticker by reaching the live cells. It is possible to strengthen hair and make it ticker by reaching the hair follicles by means of the serial injections.

Before Procedure

 All areas of the head are evaluated and the respective parts are marked. Collection of detailed patient anamnesis, patient examination, collection of the individual’s expectations, information about the procedure, photographing before the procedure, and evaluation of the results after the procedure are performed. No tests are required. The number of sessions and frequency of administration are discussed in detail with the patient. If necessary, skin diseases consultation is performed and the need for systemic treatment should be met, if required.


No anesthesia is required; the injected solutions contain local anesthetics. The prepared mixtures necessary for the hair are injected by using microinjection method. The procedure takes about 5-10 minutes.

After Procedure

The patient may have a bath one hour after the procedure. The patient can return his/her daily life immediately. The procedure requires 3-4 weeks to take effect. It does not cause new hair growth; it ensures that the follicles are strengthened and get thicker. It commonly requires more than one session.