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Masculinization with Fillers - Rene Clinic

Masculinization with Fillers

Hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite are the most commonly used soft tissue fillers. It is applied to the suitable regions according to the patient’s needs. The lasting of these fillers is variable. Depending on the administration site, fillers with different lasting can be selected. There are anatomical differences between male and female faces. The sites that often contribute to the masculine appearance include the forehead, cheekbone, chin tip and jawline, eyebrows, nose, and lips. Facial features are sharper and angular in men. The maximum protruding points of the face vary in men and women. The discussion with your doctor will be important here. Procedures may be performed in line with personal preferences depending on the doctor's approval. A more masculine appearance can be achieved with Botulinum toxin application and filler applications.