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Chin Augmentation and Jawline Definition - Rene Clinic

Chin Augmentation and Jawline Definition

A prominent jawline gained importance according to today’s perception of beauty. For this purpose, volume and prominence may be brought to the chin corners along the jawline and the chin tip using fillers. It is the process of reshaping the jaw with ready-to-use hyaluronic acid fillers. It is a personalized treatment. The amount and lasting of the filling and the related area are mutually decided by the doctor and the patient. The jaw should never be assessed alone. Lip fullness, nose shape and projection, forehead region, prominence of the cheekbones, nasal-mouth (nasolabial) folds, and grooves from corners of the mouth to the jawline (marionette) should be evaluated together. The filler to be applied may be selected according to its lasting. If lasting methods are desired at the end of the application, jaw shaping surgeries with implants are recommended.

Before the Procedure
The areas to be filled in the chin are decided and drawing can be done. A detailed medical history is obtained, the patient is examined, the expectations of the patient are learnt, the patient is informed about surgery, photographs are taken before the procedure.


No anesthesia is required. It is applied to the required areas depending on the patient’s needs using the microinjection method or with the help of a cannula. The filling materials which are used contain local anesthetic agents. So, they can prevent pain during and after the application. The procedure takes about 15-20 minutes. 

After the Procedure

It can be washed half an hour after the procedure, eating and drinking are free. Redness, swelling, and/or bruising may occur in the treatment areas due to the filler application. Pain is minimal and the person may easily go to work the next day. It is normal to have pain with chewing motion especially after application to the corner of the jaw. It will disappear spontaneously in about 1-2 days. If the amount to be applied in some jawlines is too much, it can be applied in sessions. It requires repeated sessions depending on the lasting of the material to be used.