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Cellulite Treatment - Rene Clinic

Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite is the orange peel-like appearance of the skin due to the irregular distributions of fat in the certain parts of the body. It is more common in women and most commonly occurs in the hip and thigh areas.

Its causes include genetic predisposition, bad eating habits, hormonal changes, smoking, circulatory disorders, and sedentary lifestyle. The lesions observed by pinching at first may be directly visible at later periods.

Treatment Options
Lifestyle changes
Proper nutrition and sports

Mesotherapy: Administration of medicinal products in the cellulite areas using microinjection technique

Regional use of vacuum-assisted, energy-based instruments: cold lipolysis, circulation enhancement by Ultrasonic wave, circulation enhancement by Radiofrequency, and tissue regeneration. (VelaShape III, CoolShape)