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Regional Slimming and Cellulite - Rene Clinic

Regional Slimming and Cellulite

Cooltech (Cold Lipolysis)

Today, cold lipolysis application is the most preferred regional slimming method. The patient can go on their daily life. Muscle pain and edema are seen in the first week. There may be slight bruising in the applied area depending on the sensitivity of the skin. It is necessary to pay attention to water consumption before and after the application. The session is performed every 4 to 6 weeks and the number of sessions varies depending on the person and the problem. In this FDA-approved nonsurgical procedure, it provides the metabolic excretion of the target fat cells by freezing the target fat cells at -8 degrees and breaking them down by the cold vacuum effect.

VelaShape III (Body Contouring and Cellulite)

VelaShape III is an FDA-approved instrument equipped with 4 different systems such as bipolar radiofrequency infrared, vacuum, and mechanical massage. It improves circulation by heating the tissue and increases the effect of heat.

Session and application protocol are determined according to the degree of cellulite and the volume of regional fat deposits causing the complaint. It is applied twice a week and varies between 4-8 sessions. In this application, the number of sessions changes depending on the degree of cellulite.


It is a way of aesthetic treatment that provides the reduction of cellulite in the body with the help of electromagnetic rays. Called Coolwaves, this method reduces the fat in the body using microwave energy and provides a smooth body.

What are the usage areas?

It is used with a high success rate in regional slimming, cellulite treatment, and tightening.

How do I feel during the application?

Although it reaches the target point of 50-55 °C thanks to its patented cold nozzles, the pain is almost non-existent and gives a feeling of massage. After the procedure, the person continues his/her social life.

When do I see the results?

The results differ according to the expectations of the person.