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Regional Slimming and Firming - Rene Clinic

Regional Slimming and Firming

The major factor for slimming is a lifestyle change. The goal of slimming is to reduce body mass index. Lifestyle changes include diet and sports.

Regional slimming is the removal of excess fat in the local body contour. Thanks to special instruments, we can remove the regional excess fats. It is the real target group for us. However, never put your idea of getting rid of your regional fat surgically out of your mind. Treatment varies according to your lifestyle, workload and agenda. The most appropriate treatment protocol is determined by the interview with your doctor.

Combined packages of firming, regional slimming and cellulite can provide success in those who can follow multiple sessions, are not suitable for or do not want surgery. Our specialist doctors make a treatment plan suitable for you thanks to the instruments such as CoolShape, VelaShape 3, AWT, BBL, and using special injections for collagen stimulation.


It is a controlled and regional skin cooling method that freezes the targeted regional fat cells with vacuum and led technology, renders them dysfunctional and destroys them.

The skin is protected with a special gel cover. Fats drawn in are quickly cooled below zero degrees to freeze them. It does not damage other tissues and allows the fat to be broken down and reduced without surgery. Then, the fat cells get frozen and their self-breakdown starts. Fats that are broken down over time are gradually destroyed by the body, and the vacuumed area disappears after 2-3 weeks.


The procedure takes about 60 minutes. 2 nozzles may be used in one session. During the procedure, regional mild pain is felt for the first 4-5 minutes. The patient can easily go on their daily life. One session of CoolShape is normally sufficient depending on the regional fat ratio of the patient. In people who are overweight, especially for a long time, the procedure can be performed on the same region for 2-3 sessions by increasing the number of sessions instead of a single session, thus, the result may be achieved faster and more effectively. The application interval is 30 days. After the procedure, skin redness may occur. The result starts to be noticed by the 3rd week. It may also be used in combination with other applications, and additional applications may be used to ensure the effectiveness and faster removal of fats.

Eligible People

Cool Shape is suitable for people whose body mass index (BMI) is normal or slightly above normal and who are not overweight, but have regional fat deposits. Fatty areas should have an consistency suitable for vacuuming. It can be performed 3 months after labor and after cesarean surgery when wound healing is completed. However, it may take 1-2 days depending on the person to get rid of the redness of the scar. It has no other side effects.

  • Fat Reduction
  • Cellulite Treatment
  • Body-Contouring
  • Skin Tightening

VelaShape III

VellaShape III is a non-surgical, easy-to-use, comfortable, deeply effective, repeatable body contouring treatment that does not require to stay at home for the treatment of problematic areas, giving results with advanced clinical protocols.

Elos technology combining infrared light, radiofrequency energy, and vacuum heats deeply the fat cells, their surrounding connective tissue, and the subcutaneous tissue. This type of efficient heating and vacuum stimulates the growth of new and better collagen which results in a reduction in skin laxity and body volume, and an overall improvement in skin texture.

It is a triple instrument consisting of radiofrequency, infrared ray, and mechanical massage to get rid of regional fats. It ensures a decrease in the appearance of cellulite. The procedure takes about 40 minutes. Warming may be felt in the application area and it may cause slight redness. It relaxes people very much due to its massage effect. It is not a painful procedure.


  •  Regional slimming
  •  Regional reduction in skin laxity and volume
  •  Overall improvement of skin texture
  •  Decreased appearance of cellulite in the abdomen, hips, and legs

Application Regions
This procedure is mostly applied in the hips, legs, and abdomen. Two applicators of the instrument designed for large and narrow areas of the body provides a safe and effective treatment for the whole body.


It is used in the tightening treatment by inducing collagen by affecting the cells at genetic level thanks to the broadband light. It is often preferred for cellulite. It should be applied to the face, body and all regions by experts. Sufficient energy level loading should be done in each region so that the tightening effect may be seen. Sessions are needed. After the procedure, the patient can go on their daily life.

Collagen Induction

Chemical substances such as poly-L Lactic acid (Sculptra) may be injected into the skin. The energy is delivered by broadband light (BBL) or Laser. Depending on the patient’s factors, a decision is made with the doctor to provide a best collagen production using single or combined procedures. Thus, it has an important place in the treatment of cellulite. A smoother appearance is obtained with application on the collapsed cellulite areas.

Which Package is Right for Me?
Regional slimming is a person-based treatment. It requires a treatment plan according to the patient’s need. 8-week Maxi Package and 6-week Mini Package for regional slimming and tightening, and 6-week Maxi Package, 4-week Mini Package for cellulite are available. These packages are not standard and may be customized for you by your doctor. Compliance with treatment increases the treatment success.
You should drink plenty of water.