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Neck And Facelift - Rene Clinic

Neck And Facelift

Aging, chronic adverse effects of the sun, stress and gravity will cause our face and skin sag and lose the youthful contours, resulting in wrinkles. The main objective of face lift is to renovate the aged skin and eliminate the sagging, wrinkled appearance of the face. The corners of the sagging cheeks and jowls are corrected to obtain a younger facial contour. These surgeries are usually accompanied by blepharoplasty, neck lift procedures, brow lift, and skin resurfacing procedures.

Who are candidates? 
Both female and male patients may have this surgery. If you have deep creases between the base of your nose and the corners of your mouth, sagging jowls, or neck or facial wrinkles, you are candidates to reverse time with facial lift surgery.

What are the types of face lift surgeries? 
Mini Face Lift: 
It involves much more limited incisions. The surgery is performed by an incision in front of the ear on the natural curve. It gives good results in patients with problematic cheek and jowl corners. It is insufficient for those with problems in the neck.

Standard Face Lift and Neck Lift: 
A wider incision is performed. Incisions are made in front of and behind the ears beginning from the inside of the hair. Deep soft tissues are lifted and neck muscles are tightened for the cheek and jowl lines. Excess skin is removed out of the incision location.

Before Surgery 
Detailed medical information about the person is obtained. Concomitant medications and comorbidities are necessarily questioned. The individual’s expectations and complaints about his/her face are found out. The processes that may be used and the potential future appearance are discussed with the individual. Patient examination is performed. Appropriate photographing is performed.

It is performed under general anesthesia. The operation takes approximately 2-3 hours. The most appropriate method is preferred based on the individual’s complaints. Small drains are inserted through the incision locations. Appropriate bandage and lift methods are used.

After Surgery 
Feeding begins in a short time, after which the patient is mobilized. The patient stays in the hospital for 1-2 nights. The drains are removed on the postoperative day 1 or 2. Mild swelling and bruises may occur in the face. They become tolerable after 10 to 14 days. One can take a bath 1-2 days after the discharge. The stitches dissolve spontaneously. One can get back to work within approximately 2 weeks. Light activities may take place after 2-3 weeks, whereas heavy activities after one month.

How old will I get younger? 
It is an issue related with the preoperative condition of the individual. We reverse time by approximately 5-10 years.

Will I have visible scars? 
The surgery can not be performed without incisions. Hiding the scars is the best method. Therefore, incisions are made starting from the hairline through the front and back of the ear on the natural curves. The scars will not be visible as they will get moderate and decolorized in time. Your doctor will administer the appropriate treatment for the scars.

What are the risks?
There are certain anesthesia- or surgery-related risks. Some of them may include bleeding, infection, facial asymmetry due to nerve injury, extended swelling, and visible scars. They are not frequent and there are treatments available for them. Smokers are more likely to experience the risks.

These surgeries help us turn back time. However, aging does not stop. No new surgery is required within approximately 5-10 years. Long-lasting and prettier results are obtained with additional procedures, such as eyebrow lifting, blepharoplasty, laser skin resurfacing, fat injection, Botox and fillers.