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Fat Injection   - Rene Clinic

Fat Injection  

Fatty tissue is a good soft tissue filler with recently increasing use. The person’s own fatty tissues are used. Therefore, it is a cheap and easily available method, without any allergic or side effects. These fats removed from the body may be used as a filler for any area of the body after being processed.

It may be used for filling the depressed areas in the face and body; increasing the quality of skin (under the skin areas of poor quality exposed to radiotherapy); removing the scars (atrophic scar fill); obtaining better results in mammoplasty (composite breast augmentation); and reconstructing breasts (breast reconstruction revision surgery). A more lasting filling procedure is ensured, since the fats injected will continue to live in the respective area. In addition, the quality and thickness of the skin and subcutaneous tissue will also be enhanced due to the presence of stem cells in the content.

Before Procedure 

Collection of detailed patient anamnesis, patient examination, collection of the individual’s expectations, information about the surgery, preoperative photographing, and postoperative evaluation of the results are performed. No tests are required.

The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia and/or sedation. First, the region to remove excess fat is determined. A half-centimeter incision is made and the fats are aspirated by the help of cannulas, avoiding over pressure. Then the fats are filtered. They are made suitable for injection. Then, they are injected into the prespecified regions using small injectors. The duration of procedure depends on the administration site, however usually takes approximately 30 minutes.

After Procedure 
The patient is discharged on the same day. The patient may take a bath on the following day. One may return to daily activities immediately. One may get back to work after a resting period of 2 days. Heavy activities are allowed after 1 month. The specified time periods are applicable in case of fat injection alone. If fat injection is conducted concurrently with another surgery, the healing and recovery times for the initial surgery are applicable; fat injection will not require any additional healing or recovery period.

Durability of the injected fats varies individually. Since this is a type of grafting process, some of the transferred cells continue to live in the area of transfer. Thus, approximately 40-50% of them are durable. The need for fillers may be eliminated by repetitive injections.