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Arm Reduction Surgery - Rene Clinic

Arm Reduction Surgery

It is the removal of regional fat deposits from the respective region. It is not an invasive method; it is an effective method that can be used to eliminate excess fat all around the body. Both female and male patients may have this procedure.

When to perform? 

The procedure may be performed in any time. It is especially an ideal surgery for getting rid of your resistant fat areas after you reach your constant weight with a healthy life, sports and diet.

Before Surgery

Medical information about the patient is collected and general body examination is performed. The areas of liposuction are determined. Attention should be exercised to avoid excess skin. Skin elasticity is examined. The incision locations are determined. Appropriate photographing is performed.

What are the methods used for liposuction? 

There are conventional, ultrasonographic and laser assisted methods. Liposuction with the help of metal roads named cannula is the most conventional method.

In the other methods, laser or ultrasound energy is fed through the same incisions. It is ensured that the fat cells are broken, and then the fats are easily aspirated. These methods are easier, less invasive, more effective and provide fast recovery. They also ensure easier adaptation of the skin above.


The surgery is performed under general anesthesia or local + sedation. Although it changes depending on the approximate number of regions, it takes 1-3 hours. Multiple 1cm holes are made on the locations close to the areas of application to ensure scars are not seen. First, the special fluids prepared for liposuction are injected. This is to control the pain and bleeding. Liposuction is performed on the respective region through appropriate cannulas by vertical reciprocations. A special corset is used for the areas of application.

After Surgery 

Feeding begins in a short time. The patient is mobilized after feeding. No drain is used. The patient is discharged on the following day. Swelling or bruises may be seen. One can take a bath within 2-3 days. A special corset is used for 4-6 weeks. One may get back to work within 5-7 days. Heavy activities are allowed after 1 month. A special diet is recommended after the surgery.

Side Effects 

There may be unwanted effects depending on the general anesthesia or surgery. Irregularities may be seen in the surgery site. To minimize that, it is necessary to use corset regularly. If you do not pay attention to your fluid intake and diet after the procedure, the success rate will be reduced.


It is a durable method if weight gain does not occur again. The satisfaction rates are high. With reduced fat amounts, healthy appearance will be achieved.