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Mid Face Lift - Rene Clinic

Mid Face Lift

The skin of the cheeks and lower eyelids may sag by the effects of aging and gravity. Mid face lift ensures a younger appearance with smoother cheeks and lower eyelids.

Before Surgery 
Detailed medical information about the person is obtained. Concomitant medications and comorbidities are necessarily questioned. The individual’s expectations and complaints about his/her face are found out. The processes that may be used and the potential future appearance are discussed with the individual. Patient examination is performed. Appropriate photographing is performed.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia or local+sedation. The duration of surgery is approximately 1-2 hours. A linear incision is made in parallel with the end of lower eyelids. The necessary regions are raised and tightened and the excess skin is removed using endoscopic (camera assisted) or standard techniques. Dressing and bandage applications are performed. No drainage tube is used.

After Surgery 
Feeding begins in a short time, after which the patient is mobilized. The patient stays for one night in the hospital. Mild swelling and bruises may occur in the face. They are minimized by using cold compress in the early period. The bandages are removed after 2-3 days, after which the patient may take a bath. The stitches are removed on day 5. Swelling and bruises resolve within 2-3 weeks. One can get back to work 3-5 days after the surgery. Light activities may take place after 2-3 weeks, whereas heavy activities after one month.

It is an individualized treatment method. As a result of the surgery, a face is obtained with smooth line of the lip corners, eliminated bags under the lower eyelids, and stretched and younger cheeks. In order to achieve better and long-lasting results, the surgery may be accompanied by brow lifting, forehead lift, upper eyelid surgeries, filler and Botox administrations.