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Dermapigmentation (Scar) - Rene Clinic

Dermapigmentation (Scar)

The operated or traumatized areas heal by creating a mark called a scar. These marks may be linear, flat, raised or may have discoloration. Wound healing is a personal genetic trait. Light-colored healing scars may be colored by dermapigmentation method.

The procedure time varies depending on the scarred area. Topical anesthesia is sufficient. The procedure takes about 1-2 hours. Crusting can be seen in the application area. Epithelial cream should be applied to the treated area for a week. This cream is given by the clinic performing the procedure. As the pigments used are natural, it lasts up to 1-2 years. It may also last less based on the person's skin characteristics. It is recommended to be repeated after 12-15 months. Although the color fades over time, the effect never disappears completely. The clear result appears one month after the procedure. If necessary, the procedure for retouching may be done. It is a procedure that is prone to infection. Attention should be paid to hygienic conditions during the procedure. Therefore, the application of this procedure in the clinical setting by certified specialists is of utmost importance for health and aesthetics.