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Carbon Peeling - Rene Clinic

Carbon Peeling

Carbon Peeling is a skin resurfacing system performed with Q-Switched Nd: YAG laser. Carbon Peeling treatment is a method that can also be easily used in active acne treatment, pore tightening, the treatment of old acne scars, and the regulation of the oil balance of the skin.

In the Carbon Peeling application, after the skin is cleaned, a carbon mask is applied to the area to be treated. After waiting for 5 minutes,  Q-Switched laser energy is applied to the area. Energy is absorbed by the carbon particles that reached the lipomas and destroys them. Thanks to the energy given, the tightening of the pores is provided. Depending on the needs of the skin, 4 to 8 sessions are performed. Treatment is repeated every 7 and 10 days. The procedure takes about 20 minutes. No pain.

After The Procedure
After the procedure, there is no side effect other than the slight pinkish color on the skin. It can be applied to every skin type. It is not applied to pregnant women. It can be applied in all seasons. The patient can go on their daily life. Using sunscreen is enough.