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Skin Analysis - Rene Clinic

Skin Analysis

With the skin analysis device in our clinic, we give you detailed information about both the upper layer and the lower layer of our skin. VISIA imaging skin analysis made by the Canfield Scientific system takes multi-spectrum photos of the face and provides a detailed analysis of your individual facial features. These measures are an objective measure of your skin's health and appearance. By analyzing many factors of the skin, it helps to provide additional objective information to guide your skin care regimen.

The values ​​obtained in this analysis;

  • wrinkles
  • Roughness (Smoothness)
  • pores
  • stains
  • Porphyrins (acnes bacteria in pores)
  • UV spots (caused by sun damage)
  • Brown Spots (subcutaneous spots due to aging)
  • Red area (closeness of capillaries to the face and skin sensitivity)
  • In addition, VISIA provides an informative comparison of the features of your skin with other patients of the same gender, age and skin type.