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Chin Augmentation  - Rene Clinic

Chin Augmentation 

Patients with a receding chin, large nose, fleshy neck, and square chin are eligible candidates for this surgery.There are various types of implants that may be used. It is important to use quality material to create the hard and natural chin structure.This surgery may be accompanied by additional interventions including nose job, lip augmentation, etc.

Before Surgery 
Detailed medical information about the person is obtained. Concomitant medications and comorbidities are necessarily questioned. The individual’s expectations and complaints about his/her chin are found out. The processes that may be used for the chin structure and the potential future appearance are discussed with the individual. The other facial structures of the patient are examined in details. Patient examination is performed. Appropriate drawings and the necessary photographing are performed

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia or local + sedation. It takes approximately 1 hour. The incisions are made under the chin or within the mouth. If made within the mouth, the risk of bacterial infection is higher but there is no visible scar. Afterwards, the appropriate implant is placed in the chin. No drain is inserted.

After Surgery 
The patient is discharged on the same or following day. In case of intraoral incisions, appropriate antibiotics are used. Feeding is mostly in the form of liquid in the first days. One may take a bath as soon as they arrive home. Intraoral sutures resolve spontaneously. The stitches under the chin are removed on day 10. One may experience swelling and bruises on the face and around the chin. One may take part in social environments after approximately 2-3 weeks. The patient may get back to work after 7-10 days.

Are the inserted implants safe? 
They are quite safe with permanent results. They may have several complications. The implant may be dislocated, numbness may occur in the chin as a result of nerve injury, or infection may develop.