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Cheekbone Augmentation - Rene Clinic

Cheekbone Augmentation

The cheek area (malar region, midface) acts as the suspensory column of the face found in the midface. With aging, the midface bones go back and support the face less. Also, with aging, the fat pads on our face lose volume. With the loss of support of bone and adipose tissue, sagging occurs on our face. By filling this area, volume loss on the midface is reduced. Thus, sagging is reduced. The midface is directly related to the under-eye tear trough and the lines from the nose to our mouth, which we call nasolabial. First, filling this area also allows reducing the deep nasolabial folds and under-eye trough. It is also possible to make the face look more attractive and thin adding only the fillers. The filler application of this area does not round the face contrary to what is believed, on the contrary, it gives a thinner and inverted triangle appearance. The procedure takes about 15-20 minutes. The dose determined depending on the patient’s need is applied by the microinjection method. Post-procedural redness, swelling, and bruising may occur. It does not require anesthesia. Its lasting varies between 6 months and 2 years depending on the product used.