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Neck Liposuction   - Rene Clinic

Neck Liposuction  

It is a method of liposuction used for the lower part of the neck under the midline chin.

Before Surgery 
Collection of detailed patient anamnesis, patient examination, collection of the individual’s expectations, information about the surgery, preoperative photographing, and postoperative evaluation of the results are performed. The areas of liposuction are determined. Attention should be exercised to avoid excess skin. Skin elasticity is examined. The incision locations are determined.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia or local + sedation. The surgery takes 30 minutes to 1 hour in case of a single area. An approximately half centimeter incision is made from the maxillary groove. First, the special solutions prepared for the liposuction procedure are injected. This is to control the pain and bleeding. At first, laser or ultrasound energy is fed through the incision. It is ensured that the fat cells are broken, and then the fats are easily aspirated.

After Surgery 
Feeding begins in a short time. The patient is mobilized after feeding. No drainage tube is used. The patient is discharged on the same day. Swelling or bruises may be seen. One can take a bath within 2 days. A special bandage is used for 1 week. One may get back to work within 5-7 days. Heavy activities are allowed 3 weeks later.