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Tummy Tuck - Rene Clinic

Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck is the method of achieving flat tummy by removing excess abdominal skin and fatty tissue, and tightening the muscles beneath. This method also eliminates the chaps under the belly that occur in the postpartum period. Both female and male patients may have this procedure.

Who Are Eligible For Tummy Tuck? 

Tummy tuck is not a weight loss surgery, it is a contouring surgery. There should be excess skin sagging and excess fatty tissue in the abdominal tissue. Individuals with loose abdominal muscles, skin chaps under the belly, sagging and unremovable abdominal fatty tissue despite weight loss are eligible candidates. It is recommended that candidates planning pregnancy should postpone their surgery to the period after pregnancy.

Before Surgery 

Detailed medical information will be obtained and abdominal examination will be performed. The drugs used, comorbidities, previous history of surgery and pregnancy will be collected. Abdominal measurements and the necessary photographing will be performed.


It is performed under general anesthesia. Anti-embolism stockings are applied. The procedure begins with a linear incision with an underwear slope that is within the bikini area, extending across the two hipbones. Excess skin and fatty tissue are removed and the abdominal muscles are tightened. The duration of surgery is 2 to 3 hours. Drains are inserted. Appropriate dressings and a special corset are used.

Will The Belly Button Change Place? 

There are two types of tummy tuck: Mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck. In mini tummy tuck, the belly button will not be displaced, it will stay at its location; only excess fat and skin are removed through less incisions on the inguinal region. In full tummy tuck, the belly button is removed in a round form and replaced in a new location after tummy tuck is completed.

After Surgery 

Feeding is initiated within a few hours. The patient is mobilized after the feeding. One should walk a little bit slouchingly. The drains are removed within a few days. Hospital stay for a couple of days is required. Bathing is allowed after discharge. Light duties may be performed. One may get back to work within 10-14 days. A corset is consistently used for 1 month. Heavy activities and sports are allowed after 1 month.

Which Surgeries Accompany? 

Liposuction is commonly performed in order to obtain a better abdominal contour. It may be performed for the abdominal tissue, both hips, love handles and back. Breast surgery may be involved in the same session based on the individual’s complaints.

Side Effects 

There may be unwanted effects depending on the general anesthesia or surgery. Wound site healing problems may occur, as the abdominal tissue will be tight. It is the surgical procedure with the highest incidence of embolism among the plastic surgeries. Therefore, you should be in effective communication with your doctor before and after the surgery. The incision scars will be permanent, but they will be within the underwear level and you will be given a scar treatment.

Can I Plan Pregnancy After The Surgery? 

If you plan to get pregnant at a time close the date of surgery, you should postpone the surgery to the period after pregnancy. Pregnancy should only be considered after complete recovery (1 year).


The surgery enhances self-confidence, facilitates physical activities and provides high satisfaction rates.