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Revision Rhinoplasty - Rene Clinic

Revision Rhinoplasty

Some patients may not be satisfied the results of rhinoplasty. It may not have met the patient's expectations, or new problems may develop after surgery. In such cases, the occurred nasal problems are eliminated, and the corrections that can be performed are made in line with the wishes of the patient.

Indications for revision:  unnatural appearance, presence of an uncorrected nasal hump, droopy nasal tip, extremely upturned nasal tip, extremely long nasal tip, extremely short nasal tip, nasal midline deviation, nasal bridge collapse (saddle-nose deformity, inverted-V deformity), the ongoing breathing problems, etc.

Before the Surgery
A detailed medical history and the information on the previous surgery is obtained, the patient is examined, the expectations of the patient is learnt, the patient is informed about surgery, photographs are taken, the necessary tests and examinations are performed.

The surgery takes about 2-3 hours under general anesthesia to obtain a natural appearance. It may require to harvest additional parts from the nasal midline septal cartilage, post-auricular cartilage or costal cartilage for the patients who need cartilage.  Special splint, and if necessary, silicone nasal pad may be performed.

After the Surgery
Feeding begins in a short time. Cold should be applied in the first 24 hours. The patient can have bath after 2 days without getting the splint wet. The tamponade is removed within 2-3 days and the bandage within 7 days. The patient can return to work after 1 week, do light exercises after 3 weeks and heavy exercises after -8 weeks and wear glasses after 6-8 weeks. Bruising and swelling on the face may be seen, but they lasts about 2-3 weeks. The patient recovers at the end of 6 months to 1 year completely.