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Gynecomastia - Rene Clinic


Gynecomastia is the breast enlargement in men. It can be one-sided or two-sided. It may cause negative social and psychological effects. Although its causes are mostly unknown, certain hormone disorders, use of some medicines, chronic liver, thyroid and kidney diseases may cause gynecomastia. Gynecomastia may be characterized by growth in mammary gland or fatty tissue, or both. Your doctor will examine you and request some tests to reveal the diseased tissue and to create a suitable treatment plan accordingly. While liposuction is mostly preferred in the treatment of the gynecomastia from fatty tissue, this method may be insufficient to treat the gynecomastia from breast tissue, which may also require surgical excision to be included. In cases of apparent excess skin, the skin can be tightened by procedures such as VASER or laser liposuction, while the excess skin needs to be removed surgically if the breast is sagging and larger. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and may require an overnight hospital stay. The operation takes 1-1.5 hours and the compression garment should be worn for 1 month. The patient can return to their normal life in 3-5 days after the surgery, but it is recommended to take a break from active sports for 1 month. Six months after the surgery, the recovery will be mainly completed, edema will be healed, and the result will become apparent. The results will be permanent unless gaining excess weight after surgery.