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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) - Rene Clinic

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

It’s a blood cell. They are the blood cells that initiate clotting to prevent blood from flowing out of the vein when there is any trauma to the vein surface. They come to the damaged area and secrete some growth factors. They both stop the flow of blood and activate healing.

Fields Of Use 
It works by increasing collagen production and vascularization when applied into the skin. Helps eliminate light wrinkles in the skin, causing the skin to gain resilience, vitality and brightness.

Helps skin regenerate faster after skin damages such as sun exposure, UV damage and skin applications such as laser or peeling.

It is used to prevent hair loss and to strengthen the weak hair and increase the hair density.

When can it be applied?
It is applied to areas where the complaints of the patient are concentrated. The most common areas of use in plastic surgery are Face, Neck, Decollete, Hand and Hair.

How is it applied?
It is applied to areas where the complaints of the patient are concentrated. The most common areas of use in plastic surgery are Face, Neck, Decollete, Hand and Hair.


Approximately 10-20 cc of blood is drawn from the patient. The amount of blood is directly proportional to the area to be applied. The blood is centrifuged and the plasma obtained is applied to the desired area by the preferred method. It does not require anesthesia. It takes about 15-30 minutes.

After Procedure

After the following 2-3 hours of the procedure, it is recommended to avoid actions such as leaning, sleeping, massage, washing your face or applying makeup. You can return to your job immediately. The effect of the procedure starts immediately. However, for permanent effects repeated applications needed.

Side Effects

Because of the usage of patient’s own blood, no side effects are expected. Only redness due to injection can be seen.

Do I need repeated sessions?
For the aimed results, a minimum of 3 sessions should be performed with the intervals of 2-3 weeks. In the late period, with sessions in every 6 moths, the effect is made permanant.


This method is a supportive treatment for a successful, effective and lasting skin renewal and rejuvenation. It is very effective in hair applications, both after hair transplantation and prevention of hair loss.

Stem Cell

Collagen is the main building material of the connective tissue that is produced by fibroblast cells. If the connective tissue is considered as a wall, collagen is the bricks of this wall. Collagen production is reduced over the years. Due to the reduced production of this main building material of the skin, aging signs are revealed, such as loosening, wrinkles, and pores.

Stem cell treatment is the method of injecting the stem cells of a person to himself/herself, known as the youth vaccine. A tissue sample is collected from the person; the cells are grown in laboratory settings; and then they are injected to the person. By the help of this method called autologous cultured fibroblast injection, collagen production is increased by the person’s own tissues, giving the skin youth, freshness and dynamism. It can also be used in the treatment of acne scars.

It helps us to substantially step on the brake in the process of aging. Therefore, it is recommended to be used in combination with the other rejuvenation methods. It may not be qualified alone.

Before Procedure

 Collection of detailed patient anamnesis, patient examination, collection of the individual’s expectations, information about the procedure, photographing before the procedure, and evaluation of the results after the procedure are performed. Since preliminary preparation is required, a 0.5cm tissue sample is collected from the back of the ear under local anesthesia. The collected tissue sample is delivered to the laboratory. Your own fibroblast cells are cultured under specific conditions. The site of tissue sample is closed with a single suture. Approximately 3-4 weeks later, the person is invited again for the transplantation of the tissues obtained.


The cells obtained are supplied in an easily injectable state in special fillers. No anesthesia is required, as in the case of filler administration. The cells are injected by microinjection method under office settings. The procedure takes 10-15 minutes. It is used for the areas in need of

After Procedure

Washing and dining is allowed half an hour after the procedure. Redness, ecchymosis or swelling may occur in the administration site after the stem cell administration, as in the toxin administration. Injection related pain is anticipated to be more due to the high content; however, most fillers contain local anesthetics and minimize the pain effect. One may get back to work on the next day.

It takes time to see the efficiency. It usually takes action after 2 months.