Breast Lift

Breast lift (mastopexy) restores shape and volume of sagging breasts that may have been lost due to gravity and gives them a younger appearance. The breast tissue is raised upward, and the excess skin is removed. This procedure may be accompanied by enlargement with prosthesis in case of insufficient breast tissue.

Why Do You Breasts Sag? 

The shape and size of the breasts may change due to the factors, such as age, history of pregnancy, gravity, rapid weight gain-loss, and breastfeeding.

Before Surgery 

As with the enlargement and reduction surgeries, collection of detailed information about the patient, breast examination, breast measurements and breast cancer screening are performed.


The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and takes approximately 1-2 hours. The operation plan is established as per the degree of sagging. The surgery may be performed by creating a scar only around the nipple and also a vertical scar toward the inframammary groove, or additionally with a horizontal scar in the inframammary groove. A drainage tube is inserted into the breast, followed by dressing and use of a specialized bra.


After Surgery 

You usually stay for one night in the hospital. Postoperative feeding is initiated in a short time. The drains are removed on day 1 or 2. Antibiotics and analgesics are prescribed. The dressings are kept open after day 3 or 4, after which you can take a bath, and only the specialized bra is used. Pain, swelling and bruises may occur in the breasts and regress within 7-10 days. You may get back to work after one week but heavy activities should be avoided for 4-6 weeks.

Side Effects 

There may be general anesthesia-related side effects, and early and late sides effects related to the surgery. The most common side effects involve enlarged scar tissue (scars), nipple loss, and delayed recovery. The specific treatment for the potential scars will be applied together with your doctor.


The results are permanent unless excessive weight loss and pregnancy occur. If your weight loss persists and you are planning pregnancy, you should see your doctor. Breast screening may be performed regularly after the surgery. The surgery does not increase the risk of breast cancer. It does not have any adverse effects on breastfeeding. The surgery provides high rates of satisfaction, and enhances self-confidence and clubbiness in social environments.