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Nipple And Areola Pigmentation - Rene Clinic

Nipple And Areola Pigmentation

It is a drawing procedure performed in the nipple and ‘areola’ (the colored area around the nipple) after the breast cancer surgery. Nipple and areola construction is the last stop of the treatment journey in which the breast is reconstructed after the removal of the breast - known as mastectomy. Although the construction of the nipple and areola is the last step, it is the touch that makes the breast look like a "breast" with an aesthetic eye. Although the earliest procedure time is generally identified as one year for scars, the procedure is performed with the approval of the doctor who reconstructs the nipple and areola in line with the patient's disease history. Micropigmentation may be performed at the earliest few months after the last surgery. After getting information about active inflammatory and infectious conditions of the skin, diabetes, bleeding diathesis, systemic infectious diseases, existence of an allergic reaction, the procedure can be performed after having the skin test with test pigment. The procedure consists of six parts.

The order of the procedure

  • Definition of the areola and nipple.
  • Measuring the areola.
  • Selection of pigments that are anti-allergic natural pigments produced for medical procedures only.
  • Selection of needles that are produced in different thickness and shapes only for these procedures.


Before the procedure, topical, local, or block anesthesia is administered. The procedure takes about 2-3 hours. A thin crust will be formed after the procedure. This causes the area to appear darker. When crusting disappears, the color becomes lighter (average 30-40%) and looks more natural.

After the procedure

The nipple and areola should be closed with a special tape and should not be opened until the control 1 month later. Epithelial cream should be applied to the treated area for a week. This cream is given by the clinic performing the procedure. As the pigments used are natural, it lasts up to 1-2 years. It may also last less based on the person's skin characteristics. It is recommended to be repeated after 12-15 months. Although the color fades over time, the effect never disappears completely. The clear result appears one month after the procedure. If necessary, the procedure for retouching may be done. It is a procedure that is prone to infection. Attention should be paid to hygienic conditions during the procedure. Therefore, the application of this procedure in the clinical setting by certified specialists is of utmost importance for health and aesthetics.