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ONDA - Rene Clinic


It is a way of aesthetic treatment that provides the reduction of cellulite in the body with the help of electromagnetic rays. Called Coolwaves, this method reduces the fat in the body using microwave energy and provides a smooth body.

What are the usage areas?

It is used with a high success rate in regional slimming, cellulite treatment, and tightening.

How do I feel during the application?

Although it reaches the target point of 50-55 °C thanks to its patented cold nozzles, the pain is almost non-existent and gives a feeling of massage. After the procedure, the person continues his/her social life.

When do I see the results?

The results differ according to the expectations of the person.

What is the difference of Onda?

All instruments on the market aim to heat the adipose tissue by warming the skin above and transmitting the heat to the lower layers. Onda directly heats the adipose tissue without causing heat loss by targeting the deep fat cells.

How long is the application time?

The sessions are very short as electromagnetic waves reach the target without any serious loss in the upper layers of the skin. ONDA microwave therapy takes about 10 minutes for a single area of 15x15 cm. On how much area you want it to be applied on your body will increase the application time accordingly.

Redness, edema and skin injury are not observed during and after the ONDA cold wave procedure. Pain and ache do not occur during the procedure, local or topical anesthesia is not needed.

How long are the session intervals?

It is necessary to wait 2-3 weeks between two sessions in the ONDA application.

What should I do after the application?

2-3 liters of water should be drunk daily during the session intervals, and it is important to continue the treatment along with diet and sports in order to accelerate the effect of the procedure -What should I do after the application?

What to Feel During the Procedure?

Pinkness occurs due to the warming of the skin on the skin surface treated with Onda cold microwave therapy for Cellulite treatment or regional slimming. After the procedure, the heat is felt in the studied area, which takes several hours. You can start your daily activity immediately after the procedure.

To whom Onda Cold Microwave Therapy is not applied?

It is not applied in cases of pregnancy, infected or injured area, heart regulators, diabetes (Type I or II), photosensitive drugs, known anticoagulative, blood clotting, vascular occlusion, anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin use two weeks before treatment or known photosensitivity.  If the patient has any of these conditions, he/she should definitely inform the doctor during the examination prior to Onda application.

The application areas are the hips, buttocks, front leg, hind leg, inner leg, abdomen, waist edges, etc.