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Thigh lift - Rene Clinic

Thigh lift

Like the abdomen, there may be excessive sagging, excess adipose tissue, and excess skin in the thigh area. Undesired appearances occur with frequent weight changes and the effect of gravity.  Our goal is to get a smooth appearance in that area with thigh lift and get rid of excess fat and skin.

When to Apply
It can be applied at any time. It is an ideal surgery to get rid of your stubborn fat areas, especially after reaching your stable weight with a healthy lifestyle, sports, and diet.

Where to Apply
The inner thigh is lifted with incisions from the groin area.

Before the Surgery
Medical information about the patient is obtained, and a general physical examination is performed. The thigh area having a lot of fat deposits and sagging is examined. The elasticity of the skin is checked, and the required photos are taken.

It is performed under general anesthesia. The surgery duration is about 2-2.5 hours. Excess fat and skin are removed by entering through a horizontal incision parallel to the groin area. A drain is placed in the surgical site. The special support compression garment is worn.

After The Surgery
Feeding is initiated early. The patient should walk after the feeding. S/he is discharged the next day. Pain, swelling, and bruising may be seen in the surgery areas. The patient can have bath after two to three days. The special compression garment should be worn for 4-6 weeks. The patient can return to work within 10-12 days. Strenuous activities are allowed after 1-2 months. A special diet is recommended after surgery.