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Leg Slimming - Rene Clinic

Leg Slimming

It is the removal of regional fat deposits. It is not invasive, but effective. It can be applied to get rid of the fat from any parts of the body. It can be performed in both women and men.

When to Apply
It can be applied at any time. It is an ideal surgery to get rid of your stubborn fat areas, especially after reaching your stable weight with a healthy lifestyle, sports, and diet.

Before The Surgery
Medical information about the patient is obtained, and a general physical examination is performed. The regions to be operated are determined. There should not be excess skin. Skin elasticity is checked. The incision locations are determined. The required photos are taken.

Liposuction Techniques
Conventional, ultrasonic and laser-assisted liposuction techniques are available. The conventional liposuction using the metal rods called cannulas is performed most commonly.

In other techniques, laser or ultrasound energy is applied through the same incisions. Fat cells are broken down, leading to an easy fat aspiration. These techniques are easier, invasive and effective. The patient can recover quickly. They also allow the skin on the operated area to adapt more easily.

It can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia plus sedation. It normally takes about 1-2 hours depending on the number of regions. Multiple holes of 0.5 cm are made in the sites where the marks will not be visible and that are close to the areas to be operated. The solutions specially prepared for liposuction are first injected. This aims to control pain and bleeding. Appropriate cannulas are placed, and fats are removed from the area with back and forth motions which are perpendicular to each other. Compression garment is put on the operated areas.

After The Surgery
Feeding is initiated early. The patient should walk after the feeding. Drains are not placed. The patient can be discharged on the same day. Pain, swelling, and bruising may be seen in the surgery areas. The patient can have bath after two days. The special compression garment should be worn for 4-6 weeks. The patient can return to work within five to seven days. Strenuous activities are allowed after 1 month. A special diet is recommended after surgery.

Adverse Effects
There may be undesirable effects due to general anesthesia or surgery. Irregularities may be seen in the operation site. Compression garment should regularly be worn to minimize this. If you do not pay attention to fluid intake and diet after the procedure, the success of the operation will decrease.