Earlobe Surgery

Earlobe Reduction 

The earlobe may be sagging or bigger than normal as a congenital condition, or due to misuse of earrings.

Before Surgery
Collection of detailed patient anamnesis, patient examination, collection of the individual’s expectations, information about the surgery, preoperative photographing, and postoperative evaluation of the results are performed. No tests are required.

It is performed under local anesthesia. This process takes 15-30 minutes. Dressing is used and the person gets back to his/her normal life.

After Surgery 
The operation site is kept closed for 24 hours after the repair; one may take a bath using special bands afterwards. No workforce loss in induced. The stitches are removed at the end of the first week. One may have his/her ear pierced and wear earrings 2-3 months after the procedure.

Torn Earlobe

It is the full-thickness tear of the ear holes as a result of heavy earrings or trauma. It occurs because of the chronic heaviness created by the earrings and the reaction of the body against the metal content. It is more frequent in those who are allergic to certain metal alloys.

Before Surgery 
Collection of detailed patient anamnesis, patient examination, collection of the individual’s expectations, information about the surgery, preoperative photographing, and postoperative evaluation of the results are performed. No tests are required.

It is performed under local anesthesia. It takes approximately 15-30 minutes. Dressing is used and the person gets back to his/her normal life.

After Surgery 
The operation site is kept closed for 24 hours after the repair; one may take a bath using special bands afterwards. No workforce loss in induced. The stitches are removed at the end of the first week. One may have his/her ear pierced and wear earrings 2-3 months after the procedure.